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Events: News

One of the goal of F.A.M.E is to host events and workshops related to the music industry. From live gigs to industry professionals speeches, here are the future events planned by the society.


March 24 2020 @ THE CASTLE INN | 4-6pm

F.A.M.E invites every member of the society to meet up, have a natter about the projects we're all currently working on, and generally have a laugh. If you are yet to come to one of our meet ups please do join us to explore the possibilities our network of people has to offer.



march 10 2020 | 7pm-11pm

Listening Sessions @ BY.01.024/BY.01.025 | Jam Session @ Lawrence Hall

UWL is a big school with a lot of talented students in the music field. The only thing that we’ve noticed is that there seems to be no real bridge between all these talented individuals, which hinders them to meet each other and possibly work together. The aim of the Collab & Create event is to connect the artists, producers, songwriters and musicians of UWL with each other by bringing them together in a natural musical environment. Here, they can show their talent to the rest of the group and learn what the others are doing. In this way everyone broadens their music industry network, which might be helpful in the future if they would want to collaborate together.


We, F.A.M.E, in collaboration with the Performing Society, are organising a Listening and Jam Session. The aim of this event is to let people showcase and celebrate their talent, but also offering artists an environment where they can collaborate and create with each other on the spot. The listening event will take place at Rooms BY.01.024 and BY.01.025 and targeted at musicians and music industry professionals within in the LCM (students), while the Jam session part of the event will be open to everyone in UWL and this will take place at Lawrence Hall.



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